Nemataexidna comments

[37] [2] [1]

12-August-2022 Friday
Rolling along abandoned railroad tracks in Southern California with my cart

11-August-2022 Thursday
Reply to the post "Low cost Photoshop"

05-August-2022 Friday
A setup with the name Maxim. History from life

04-August-2022 Thursday
Idea for prank

04-August-2022 Thursday
The Yakut policeman turned a blind eye to the torture of children. His inaction led to the death of a 2-year-old toddler

02-August-2022 Tuesday
War with moles on the site

22-July-2022 Friday
From conversations with friends

15-July-2022 Friday
Reply to the post "It doesn't work! It happens"

08-July-2022 Friday
A trip to the country or moving to another country?

05-July-2022 Tuesday
Avito did you eat ear there?!

27-June-2022 Monday
Reply to the post "I think I have a schiz"

23-June-2022 Thursday
Fraudsters have reached a new level

22-June-2022 Wednesday
Literally every girl's handbag

15-January-2020 Wednesday
Pasta pilaf.. original recipe

[37] [2] [1]
