Negovnar comments, page 7

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26-May-2019 Sunday
That's how it worked when I was a kid

23-November-2018 Friday
Skateboarding in an industrial town

09-September-2018 Sunday
Reflections on skateboarding

19-January-2018 Friday
Car diagnostics in Russian.

19-January-2018 Friday
Norwegians have been banned from smoking in public places. But they began to “throw under the lip” more often

18-January-2018 Thursday
Oddly shortened name...

18-January-2018 Thursday
Black stripe, or my life?

17-January-2018 Wednesday
Amazing house and its inhabitants

16-January-2018 Tuesday

16-January-2018 Tuesday
"Daddy, come on!" (sound)

16-January-2018 Tuesday

16-January-2018 Tuesday
Photo report from one of the last pencil factories in the USA

16-January-2018 Tuesday
Real Siberian!

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