worst comments
unexpected service
Army savvy
What the new Khrushchevs looked like 50 years ago
What the new Khrushchevs looked like 50 years ago
Russian oligarchs will be forced to explain the luxurious life in London
How the husband took the children away (tale from legal advice)
I'm sorry but it's dirty
Army savvy
Benefit for "yagmothers"
The color you haven't seen
Overweight or not?
Former Google employees accuse the company of discrimination against the white race
I made a photocopy of my wife's passport...
Help! Unidentified lizards!
Central locking + inattention = flying in for glass replacement
Complex lunch
Very strange purchases are made by the Central City Pharmacy of the city of Nakhodka
Adventures in the Car Wash
Continuation of the story about a young teacher fired from a Kazan gymnasium because her students chose Russian to study
How we burned with smoking
How I wanted to take a laptop in installments
What's going on at the Sochi railway station?
It takes an idiot to work.
Attraction of incredible generosity
Return Christmas tree
Omich found 500 relatives all over the planet in one day
Internet in a rented apartment.
"Bookmark" in my flower bed!
When tired of helping.
How not to come to work
Message to the stars
"Paliclinics are not allowed, the ambulance is free." The paramedic talks about how migrants are treated.
How the husband took the children away (tale from legal advice)
About Miser...3
Well, who does that?
Labels don't help.
Gypsies and electricity.
Archaeological excavation in the bowels of the mess
Windows and scammers
Got one penny?
Repair of the balcony promised to be boring ... But then suddenly a thousand red-haired evening girls intervened in the matter!
Traffic on the Volga in the 60s
Psychiatric hospital, my experience. Part 3
Screen backlight
Interview with psychics. Part 2.
The student who overcame 5 km earned 450 thousand dollars
Got it
About NDA