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01-October-2018 Monday
There is such a day, it turns out.

11-July-2018 Wednesday
Sadness from...?

07-May-2018 Monday
Pearl of diplomatic thought

06-January-2018 Saturday
What do years at university teach us?

25-May-2017 Thursday
I would like to go to heaven, or a new way to travel far.

15-April-2017 Saturday
About "Zircon" and Mach 8 ...

04-April-2017 Tuesday
When too many people started believing the earth was flat

27-December-2016 Tuesday
I want warm weather

16-December-2016 Friday
When one post follows another...

11-November-2016 Friday
A post about how annoying

03-November-2016 Thursday
Norway is Saturn

01-November-2016 Tuesday
Yep, it delivers.

26-September-2016 Monday
"Guys, don't go there!", or an interview for a loader

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