Naviy666 comments, page 4

[5] [4] [3] [1]

04-August-2022 Thursday
Looking for friends to chat

25-June-2022 Saturday
My application for joining the League of losing weight :)

25-June-2022 Saturday

25-June-2022 Saturday
Do not drink water from a vase of flowers

05-June-2022 Sunday
The night watchman got the wrong time of day...

21-May-2022 Saturday
Field of Wonders: what letter is missing?

10-October-2021 Sunday
Is it possible to make more friends at 27?

14-June-2021 Monday
Lukyanenko about anti-vaxxers in particular and about the people in general

12-June-2021 Saturday
The bright side of Tik Tok

05-June-2021 Saturday
News in a parallel universe

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