27-January-2024 Saturday
Need advice
01-November-2023 Wednesday
Give me some advice: what should I post to promote the game on social networks before its release?
22-October-2023 Sunday
Superpower training center. Some new shit
20-September-2023 Wednesday
Everyone on Twitter went crazy in neuron spirals
19-September-2023 Tuesday
All: AI will take your job
06-September-2023 Wednesday
Good design goes unnoticed
01-September-2023 Friday
How to build habits
25-August-2023 Friday
The more a robot looks like a human, the prettier it seems - but up to a certain limit
21-August-2023 Monday
In most things, you become "good enough" in 20 hours of practice.
21-August-2023 Monday
Cheese for five rubles, or why state price regulation does not work
10-August-2023 Thursday
Watched The Flash
09-August-2023 Wednesday
Why can't ChatGPT blog for you?
03-August-2023 Thursday
I don't know ahead of time what will happen.
29-July-2023 Saturday
Shooter in augmented reality