Najdenish comments, page 4

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07-January-2022 Friday
Recovery of odors after coronavirus

31-December-2021 Friday
Hope these were the worst two years of my life

27-August-2021 Friday
And my mom is good...

01-August-2021 Sunday
My life is like a constant battle (continued 3)

10-May-2021 Monday
Dad... there's so much in this word...

28-March-2021 Sunday
Those who were expecting a tax refund will understand!

25-September-2020 Friday
How to respond to news of someone else's loss

27-April-2017 Thursday
May the force be with you, amen!

28-March-2017 Tuesday
"Homemade" and "good experience"

21-March-2017 Tuesday
Not a pair of socks

07-February-2017 Tuesday
real loser

15-November-2016 Tuesday
About grandmothers

15-November-2016 Tuesday
Beware, NOT edible!

19-October-2016 Wednesday
Board game train, question.

22-September-2016 Thursday
Tale of my web underproject #1

13-September-2016 Tuesday
In the topic of posts about good memory.

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