Mymysha comments

[4] [2] [1]

12-July-2022 Tuesday
Response to the post "Most people with astigmatism behind the wheel at night see this..."

12-July-2022 Tuesday
Cake with price

16-May-2022 Monday
Fairy tale with an unhappy ending

14-May-2022 Saturday
She's not stupid...

11-May-2022 Wednesday
Do you have a mercury thermometer?

03-May-2022 Tuesday
Miracles or not?

26-March-2022 Saturday
Wandering around the city alone - Armenia

25-February-2022 Friday
Played along

15-February-2022 Tuesday
Nobody gets any younger

02-February-2022 Wednesday
My boyfriend got married today

10-December-2021 Friday
Response to the post "Metro and Hares"

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