best comments
Notes from the Presenter #54 Unreal Zvizdets
Reply to the post “Poor notary”
Now you are Alice
Toxic ads on TV
The pain of loss
Reply to the post “Meet Expectations”
Grandma's customer focus
Reply to the post "Adult channels"
Continuation of the post “They think we are robots who only want sex”
I littered...
Do not buy animals at the Kondratieff market!
Inappropriate use of godmother
Reply to the post "About cheating in marriage"
Jump Rescue - God Level
Inappropriate use of godmother
Inappropriate use of godmother
My wife is 5 years older than me. Dating history
Armchair, curtains and bed
Response to the post "Spark Plugs"
Do not buy animals at the Kondratieff market!
So your youth is gone
They are so similar, but so different!
Yandex drive, fraud
Do not buy animals at the Kondratieff market!
Everything is good
Alien beauty
Tastes and smells AFTER Covid
Continuation of the post “When you are near...”
Do not buy animals at the Kondratieff market!
What are you eating?
My very best friend
Chinese board
Response to the post "Kitten vs Filler. Pamagiti»
Peekaboo educational
Toxic ads on TV
Father passed away...
Reply to the post “Provincial in a Michelin-starred restaurant”