MyNameIs comments, page 30

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22-March-2023 Wednesday
Start of a new week at Factory No. 28

17-December-2022 Saturday
Am I a bloodsucker, or do I have a right?

20-November-2022 Sunday
Samurai resting after battle...

26-July-2022 Tuesday
The lazy rocket is leaving :D

20-May-2022 Friday
Reply to the post “Cat talking.

08-May-2022 Sunday
What to do when the cover suddenly attacks?

01-May-2022 Sunday
The Worst Exercise

28-April-2022 Thursday
What happens if you mix Kingsman and Super Peppers?

25-April-2022 Monday
He could become an official, but he became a flea seller.

24-April-2022 Sunday
When I decided to meet, but something went wrong

24-April-2022 Sunday
Making a prosthesis of the thumb

09-April-2022 Saturday
And then somehow it didn't work out.

13-February-2022 Sunday
Duel of Intellects

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