MrXL posts

15-June-2018 Friday
Table of 2018 FIFA World Cup matches by day (Day 2)

08-June-2018 Friday
Table of matches of the FIFA World Cup 2018 by day (version 8 June)

15-August-2017 Tuesday
The most parallel region in the world

20-July-2017 Thursday
Game of Thrones on social networks

18-July-2017 Tuesday
Stepping over stairs

18-March-2017 Saturday
Need translation from Mari

17-March-2017 Friday
your mother

12-November-2016 Saturday
Oh this weather

18-September-2016 Sunday

27-August-2016 Saturday
Your mother, Mohammed!!

19-July-2016 Tuesday
Hocus pocus

10-June-2016 Friday

20-March-2016 Sunday

20-March-2016 Sunday
It's boiling!

29-August-2015 Saturday
Now imagine Obama in his place

24-August-2015 Monday
I watched the flags of Prussia here, and here ...

18-August-2015 Tuesday
Traffic lights in different countries
