MrSaint comments

18-December-2015 Friday
7 facts about BEER

24-September-2014 Wednesday
Sometimes there is so much beauty in the world, I feel like my heart can't take it. ©

05-September-2014 Friday
This handsome guy came to work today...

09-October-2013 Wednesday
The main profession of the master YODA

03-October-2013 Thursday
Beware QIWI!

24-October-2012 Wednesday
I propose to rename the 4th of January ...

14-September-2012 Friday
Street Art in Yekaterinburg...

11-September-2012 Tuesday
Is it just me or is there really a bug?

11-August-2012 Saturday

12-July-2012 Thursday
Need a photoshop guru with a sense of humor to photoshop 1 photo

18-June-2012 Monday
Compilation of accidents under Dubstep.

09-June-2012 Saturday
A selection of fresh videos + a couple of dummies...
