23-March-2015 Monday
I myself am a fan of tea ... and if for someone the tea bag still causes inconvenience to my "instruction"
18-January-2015 Sunday
Recently I decided to remember the past ... and was horrified ... Why would someone become ... a commercial drota (((
07-January-2015 Wednesday
I wonder if they are all from personal protection ???
01-January-2015 Thursday
Guys... why don't you all go to the new 2015!!!
22-December-2014 Monday
Don't be a herd!!! I ask you to!!! Do not create demand for goods you do not need!!!
11-September-2014 Thursday
Business in Russian!!! Special offer!!!
26-August-2014 Tuesday
We are not Moscow and not St. Petersburg, this is Voronezh!
17-March-2014 Monday
What do you know about advertising...?!
09-October-2013 Wednesday
Unexpectedly in Topface for iOS...
17-June-2013 Monday
Guys, in the light of the upcoming LCS Moscow will be held at the Moscow Youth Palace from June 21 to 23, we want to come with a friend, but there is nowhere to spend the night.