MotherGG comments

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14-August-2019 Wednesday
The secretary

14-August-2019 Wednesday
Merciless Marketers

12-August-2019 Monday
Children are fiends of hell

16-July-2019 Tuesday
Very heartbreaking...

14-July-2019 Sunday
How to take birth in a cat? Question answer

05-July-2019 Friday
Tajik girl set on fire by teenagers has come to her senses and is waiting for the fourth operation

05-July-2019 Friday
On the wave of posts about "tolerance of film images".

23-June-2019 Sunday
Oh those Turks

21-June-2019 Friday

14-June-2019 Friday
Bumblebee carpenter.

12-June-2019 Wednesday

07-June-2019 Friday
In the suburbs, a ten-year-old schoolgirl became pregnant from a 47-year-old guest worker

04-June-2019 Tuesday
School requisitions or how I became a "snitch"

03-June-2019 Monday
On the eve of the gay parade, the Tel Aviv City Hall hung multi-colored flags on the streets ... of Lithuania

06-April-2019 Saturday

05-April-2019 Friday
Meanwhile, in Thailand, the annual lottery of conscripts into the army

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