worst comments
How not to tile
The state will allocate 3 billion rubles to the loss-making Channel One.
Bringing a dagger to the defense of the diploma is the key to successful delivery!
I had the imprudence to comment somewhere on a post about astrology and they found me
Conversations with the Polish
About grannies.
School tea
Don't lose hope in Peter!
And then we have an obsession with D.Va from Overwatch c:
Meet St. Petersburg.
I want posts!
Age limit on discs
I want to chat! about everything in the world))) looking for positive, sun, dreams and conversations)))) I'm 25 and I'm in St. Petersburg) write me girls and boys
I want to chat! about everything in the world))) looking for positive, sun, dreams and conversations)))) I'm 25 and I'm in St. Petersburg) write me girls and boys