worst comments
Meet this beggar who wants other people's money, calling it "business"
Reaction to an accident
"It's great that we are all here today"
Meet this beggar who wants other people's money, calling it "business"
Didn't want good, got bad
Didn't want good, got bad
China punishes passengers who take other people's seats on a train
Meet this beggar who wants other people's money, calling it "business"
Meet this beggar who wants other people's money, calling it "business"
Drangarnir - a giant rock in the form of a gate near the coast of the island of Vagar and one of the symbols of the Faroe Islands.
Meet this beggar who wants other people's money, calling it "business"
Meet this beggar who wants other people's money, calling it "business"
Didn't want good, got bad