best comments
Who do you think is prettier?
I would like to know...
Why You Can't Trust Husbands
We are all the same
What is your ideal girl?
Forever Alone
Left the army yesterday
Stas, is that you?
The joys of life!
Help to make a photo in color :)
It's spring =)
I just wanted to delete my reply from mail.ru
For a long time I chose what to give my beloved for his birthday. It was difficult, because he says that he doesn’t need anything other than me ^__^
Sex with one, marry the other, kill the third.
Daria Domracheva
Androgyny. What's this?
Who's there?
Androgyny. What's this?
It's spring =)
Left the army yesterday
Before and after
Everything is very simple :)
For a long time I chose what to give my beloved for his birthday. It was difficult, because he says that he doesn’t need anything other than me ^__^
Bald head
How to understand if a girl likes you?
Maidan and stereotypes or an ordinary day of Maidan
The BBC published a report that was immediately removed a few hours later.
Stars before and after plastic surgery.
I'm still waiting!
I've collected information here.
Where else can you lower it?
A moment of sadness and loneliness
Hello, pickups! Maybe there are neighbors? Arkhangelsk
Love is pain
A moment of sadness and loneliness
Increased ;)
Is honesty necessary?
Where else can you lower it?
Life is a lie.
Who do you think is prettier?
I'm so picky about choosing a girl...
A moment of sadness and loneliness
My kitty...
The West does not change
Where else can you lower it?
Everything is very simple :)
World at war.
And the Swiss, and the reaper, and the player on the button accordion
why do cats hate people
I have no idea what to call this post. A small cry from the heart
Wake up
History of one roll
The West does not change
The West does not change
A comment
To the league of good!
The evolution of Megan Fox
Meanwhile on Manezhnaya
And this is my job
I would like to know...
Probably the best buy
It was really sad :(
I present to you the camel phalanx
Androgyny. What's this?
These are the toys that the daughter-in-law makes from wool, rate it, maybe someone will like it?)
Your opinion
Small dislocation of the brain
Who asked for beautiful maidens instead of Maidan?
The weather whispers
Gold words !!!
A moment of sadness and loneliness
A moment of sadness and loneliness
Information war. Long Post
daughter of Michael Sheen and Kate Beckinsale
Accent Difference.
Men, for your judgment
Everything is very simple :)
The stuffing of "analytics" is just for those who have polluted Pikabu with "judicial arbitrariness" in the Russia-USA match for the last 24 hours
Do you hate hachi?
Sweet beauty.
Question to those who poured shit over the Olympics before its opening.
The answer to the post about cheating on Pikabu http://pikabu.ru/story/_11603411
We are all the same
Question to respected men!
Don't hurt your girls
Or like this...
Attention peekaboo another provocateur (sha)
A moment of sadness and loneliness
The head of the red family.
Why do the herds need the gifts of Liberty?
A friend asks for a link to a video
What's a girl to do with a girl? :D
Cheeseburger at home.
I apologize Pikabu
No one was shooting at anyone here.
Who is afraid of Terry Crews
Well really
Well really
A sign of aging.
Top 40 Most Beautiful Acting Adult Movie Actresses Part 1 (Long Post)
To the league of good!
That feeling when an online video plays at the same speed as it downloads
Who's for Macaroni?
Yanukovych will give a press conference on March 28 in Rostov-on-Don.
Megan Fox loves to wear her husband's son's T-shirts :3
"The Secret of Women's Logic". View from the side of men.
Mia Sollis - in my opinion, the quintessence of redhead cuteness
While in the west they are fighting because of the color of the eyes, everything is fine in Buryatia. We are all citizens of one strong state. May it be so. Peace to all!
You would have all redheads, yes cats ....
One will protect you, the other 8 will try to kill you.
Why do the herds need the gifts of Liberty?
When the dollar is so high...
Well preserved is called
It's nice to see this.)
Tattoo selfie
Don't be an owl.
Help to make a photo in color :)
Bald, but not giving up
Peekaboo's reaction to the news about the death of Pskov paratroopers in Ukraine (do not believe it, GOOGLE, see pictures of the graves)
Good night Peekaboo :)
I am proud that I am Russian!
While everyone was discussing how Putin got tired of gays, how Putin divorced his wife - he took and abolished private ownership of land in our country.
Love is pain
The kids know
For a long time I chose what to give my beloved for his birthday. It was difficult, because he says that he doesn’t need anything other than me ^__^
Street art or hormones?
Communism and Capitalism, pros and cons...
!0 riddles scientists can't answer
I can't FUCK!
Petrozavodsk in winter
I would like to know...
Do you hate hachi?
How to understand if a girl likes you?
No one was shooting at anyone here.
No one was shooting at anyone here.
Life is 4 vessels long
Oh, it's Valentine's Day...
Clings to the soul
Explain to the Indian what kind of article this is?
No one was shooting at anyone here.
just thought
My way of developing relationships with girls
What are the signs that a girl is in love?
These are the toys that the daughter-in-law makes from wool, rate it, maybe someone will like it?)
Um... Are there any holes?
The BBC published a report that was immediately removed a few hours later.
Friendship :3
Pelsh is more Russian than some kind of ashamed "Russian"
Strawberry for the night
Androgyny. What's this?
What's wrong with them?
US Influence on the Russian Constitution
The first and last ambient in the USSR.
The reaction of the Canadian athlete to the gold medal
Accent Difference.
The height of the actors from the series "The Walking Dead"
Don't be an owl.
A moment of racial humor
Hug weather...
Ayanami Rei
Everything is going according to plan: what you need to know from Ray Kurzweil's 2019-2099 predictions
God, I thank you for not being born in a tolerant country, but born in Russia, where the majority of the people despises tolerance!
Subtle humor on the theme of the Second World War.
From the notes of the humanist
Karmadrochers nervously smoke on the sidelines and envy
Nationality test. What made you salivate?
Hard choise...
Harsh truth :(
Attention peekaboo another provocateur (sha)
Attack of the Boeing 777 by a fighter: true or fake?
Such unusual Finns
Good night
Karmadrochers nervously smoke on the sidelines and envy
Schoolchildren and dad's gun.
There was a post here, but it didn't reach anyone.
BJD dolls.
Subtle humor on the theme of the Second World War.
Now a little about spiders
Eye of Sauron
Ayanami Rei
That's how girls breed young men
Well preserved is called
Killer menus in Russian from restaurants around the world
Here is such a vintage poster for you for astronomical educational program.
As usual in the comments
dedicated to all the lonely
True Leader
I continue to burn out) This time, a modest gift and a few orders.
Blow with the Fires with vocals
Who is afraid of Terry Crews
Last Russian
US Influence on the Russian Constitution
They are moving towards this by leaps and bounds. Think about it, brothers!!!
Cosplay is for nerds...
The kids know
Men, for your judgment
If Tom Hiddleston were a girl
A moment of racism
Size matters
Oooh this is awesome :o
This is what my parents gave me!
Russian scientists and inventors.
One love story
But it's true)
Androgyny. What's this?
does anyone else here love her?
does anyone else here love her?
Everything as usual :)
European Union and Eurasian Union
Nyasha on a bike
Nashists on peekaboo
Lord, God is dead!
Do you hate hachi?
Have a nice weekend everyone :)
Peekaboo, I have an idea for Forever alone!
Oh, they made movies.
Question about peekaboo
Pikachu ruined me...
question for students!