worst comments
What do you think?
What do you think?
A former CSKA footballer was offended by a fan who sold his T-shirt for 5,700 rubles
What do you think?
Flew in the opposite direction
Harry Potter and the Last Gryffindor
On what basis is Litres asking for money for the public domain?
What do you think?
Berlin Diary. How World War II Began
Berlin Diary. How World War II Began
Flew in the opposite direction
Berlin Diary. How World War II Began
Life hack
Psynodescent in action
Oleg Tinkov bombs
Harry Potter and the Last Gryffindor
Flew in the opposite direction
How Russian football can really benefit
Flew in the opposite direction
Berlin Diary. How World War II Began
What do you think?
Humor is dangerous for "power"
Women's rights activist yells at reporter
The Matrix: Resurrection is a monument and revenge to the Wachowskis for all the fucked up franchises
What do you think?
What do you think?
Psynodescent in action
Berlin Diary. How World War II Began
I have a question: why should Tatars, Chechens, Dagestanis and others go to fight in Donbass for the Russian world?
Lately, it feels like I've lost something.
Welcome to a new world, the battle of the Transformers has begun
What do you think?
What do you think?
Gamp's Law - Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (Book)
Input control
Are there translators from feline?
Homosexual !!!
Few words about myself
Domestic films for foreign tourists
Help those who know!!!
The football player Smolov told how he is ready to shrink in terms of finances in order to live a month. 300-400 thousand is enough
Tell everything that you have boiled up and that you cannot tell relatives or friends!
Reply to the post "Here are merry clowns in one heap"
Reply to the post "I talked here with "ChatGPT"..."
Wildberries keep acting like shit
YouTube everything. (No)
Continuation of the post "Israeli soldiers support Israel's right to self-defense"
boobs on peekaboo
About people and nonhumans. And about dogs, of course.
Just in case
FIFA 22, never worth buying! I'll tell you why
Bullshit in the house
How I was denied sex or the moon is in the wrong phase
Black professor urged to kill all whites, but without violence
So, you see, and we will win the World Cup.
Help choose a puppy
Sea of alcohol
Possible leakage of the "Flash" plot to the DCEU
I fixed everything
Correct translation
Response to the post "About Safety at Work"