best comments
Reply to "Upstairs Neighbors"
Warm memory
I'm 34 and I haven't achieved anything in life.
The power of Pikabu for lost people
I ran into the wrong one
No need to waste the bonus or how I hunted KiPovts
Warm memory
Turned on the vacuum cleaner at the cat shelter
Battle of the Snow
Need advice
No need to waste the bonus or how I hunted KiPovts
And here are the upset customers
The impudence and cunning of our "valiant employees"
Food off the floor
Reply to the post “Why pay more?”
Plus one to the list of phobias
Warm memory
Reply to the post “Tinkoff is quietly removing biometrics”
Reply to the post "I'm 34 and I haven't achieved anything in life"
Reply to the post “Why spend so much?!!!”
When will you have had enough of everything?
It was and became
Reply to the post “I ran into the wrong one”
Reply to the post “I ran into the wrong one”
Reply to the post "I'm 34 and I haven't achieved anything in life"
Reply to the post "I'm 34 and I haven't achieved anything in life"
Reply to the post "I'm 34 and I haven't achieved anything in life"
Cat Crushers
Need advice on the line on the screen and warranty service
The impudence and cunning of our "valiant employees"
Turned on the vacuum cleaner at the cat shelter
Hello from 92 regions
Insolent collectors
Reply to the post “I ran into the wrong one”
Reply to the post “I ran into the wrong one”
Reply to the post “It would be better if they were scammers...”