best comments
Africa is Africa
First I must see the money
First I must see the money
When you forgot that you had half a bag of potatoes in your cellar...
Havel Rock
Unexpected turn
Death is nothing, image is everything!
Gurren lagann
Yes, I am active!
Meeting of generations!
I became a man!
Hi all! :3
Personally, I'm a 4D Junkie
Personally, I'm a 4D Junkie
"We act in darkness for the glory of the Sun!"
Your actions?
A 9-year-old girl from the Machiguenga Indian tribe with her pet Tamarin
Personally, I'm a 4D Junkie
You can't just take...
Political Correctness
Nothing special, just a young Patrick Stewart
When I saw the trailer for Battlefield 1.
This is the wall painting
When a beautiful girl comes up to you and you kind of smile at her)