Mehrdeutigkeit comments

[10] [2] [1]

11-November-2016 Friday
Studio Obsidian has announced its desire to do SW: KOTOR 3 and are waiting for permission from EA.

14-October-2016 Friday
My superhero

06-October-2016 Thursday
Vitali Klitschko "advertises" shawarma in Novokuznetsk

06-October-2016 Thursday

06-October-2016 Thursday
Girls problems

02-October-2016 Sunday
Unknown Steve Jobs quote

02-October-2016 Sunday
He exists!

02-October-2016 Sunday
Sometimes feelings can open up very unexpectedly.

02-October-2016 Sunday
What is wrong with me?

01-October-2016 Saturday
A wave about hints...

01-October-2016 Saturday
Event at the children's performance

01-October-2016 Saturday
How whiners infuriate me!

30-September-2016 Friday
Another proof that the Man is an accidentally surviving boy

30-September-2016 Friday
How to hint

[10] [2] [1]
