MayJo comments

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27-November-2022 Sunday
I'm going, going, going. With a suitcase without panties. (They are. In the suitcase ;))

27-November-2022 Sunday
Morning, sun and water (well, where without a hat ;)

25-November-2022 Friday
I'm happy...

23-November-2022 Wednesday
There is no mulled wine, but there are tangerines ;)

09-November-2022 Wednesday
On the beach

28-October-2022 Friday
Robin. Ariana, July 2022

16-October-2022 Sunday
Redhead Boston

13-October-2022 Thursday
Dedicated to Mata Hari, my good friend, the very neural network that knows how to swear

12-October-2022 Wednesday
Wednesday is a little Friday

11-October-2022 Tuesday
When I see this, I immediately begin to position myself as a Colorado potato beetle.

10-October-2022 Monday
Good Monday evening.

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