best comments
Jupiter: simple about the complex
Jupiter: simple about the complex
The plot on the TV channel "Telemix" about me and my activities
Jupiter: simple about the complex
Saturn, its rings and formation
Saturn, its rings and formation
Globe of Jupiter based on my photos
Jupiter: simple about the complex
My first astrophotos of deep sky objects
catholic temple
My first panorama of the Moon + a small tutorial on how to shoot the Moon properly
My first panorama of the Moon + a small tutorial on how to shoot the Moon properly
Western edge of the moon
Western edge of the moon
Jupiter: simple about the complex
amateur telescope.
Planets - giants of the solar system in an amateur telescope.
Double Cluster CHI AND ASH PERSEUS (NGC 869 & NGC 884)
Wolf Moon or what people called our satellite
So my first year in astrophotography has passed!
So my first year in astrophotography has passed!
Globular cluster M13