Massanet comments

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11-October-2015 Sunday
Abandoned psychiatric institutions in Europe and the USA

21-September-2015 Monday
Perfect photo timing

09-September-2015 Wednesday
Feminist nutcracker.

01-September-2015 Tuesday
Advertising in VK..

18-August-2015 Tuesday
True detective

12-August-2015 Wednesday
The whole essence of the press in one screen

12-August-2015 Wednesday
How our company of 9 people went on an "anti-crisis" vacation for 3000 km (from Chelyabinsk)

12-August-2015 Wednesday
Crime and self-punishment

03-August-2015 Monday
Golden ball from Aliexpress

29-July-2015 Wednesday
That feeling when you're funny, but no one can appreciate it...

15-February-2015 Sunday
belated friday "mine"

30-January-2015 Friday
Friday mine)

18-December-2014 Thursday
Vyatsky kvass

17-December-2014 Wednesday
10 most unsuccessful financial forecasts

16-December-2014 Tuesday
How and why?

14-December-2014 Sunday
You wanted GTA 5 on PC?

11-December-2014 Thursday
Something the Chinese have completely confused with the name ..

09-December-2014 Tuesday
Came to work today in the office, and there

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