28-June-2016 Tuesday
About geography.
08-June-2016 Wednesday
Forums of Waiters from Site #2
04-June-2016 Saturday
In Mezhdurechensk, a few hours before the tragedy, residents called the housing office with complaints about the builders
02-June-2016 Thursday
A mixture of English and Russian - "ruslish"
29-March-2016 Tuesday
Organizer of the charitable organization "Do Good" was taken into custody
22-March-2016 Tuesday
Juvenile suburban bastards.
09-March-2016 Wednesday
07-March-2016 Monday
Do you want to lose trust in people? Take them to work.
06-March-2016 Sunday
Nazi poster promoting the euthanasia of the mentally ill.
03-March-2016 Thursday
Is your child going to school soon?
29-February-2016 Monday
"...the most valuable gift for a woman is a bag of potatoes." With. Father of Uncle Fyodor
28-February-2016 Sunday
Yesterday was different.
28-February-2016 Sunday
Continued about Mazdavodka Elena.
25-February-2016 Thursday
Dialogue with a doctor
17-February-2016 Wednesday
Dangerous Neighbors
12-February-2016 Friday
When you go to visit the Kazakhs.
07-February-2016 Sunday
First post.
06-February-2016 Saturday
Double standards or how I turned out to be a bitch...
04-February-2016 Thursday
In a Moscow school, teenagers committed violence against a peer
31-January-2016 Sunday
How to break a child