Markook comments, page 3

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12-May-2018 Saturday
Well as you know

03-May-2018 Thursday
Children in Yakutia, the E-Bytantaisky ulus, freed a evrazhka (gopher) from a trap and released it.

24-April-2018 Tuesday
Chishminsky district of Bashkiria

24-April-2018 Tuesday
Secret controls found on Sebastian Vettel's steering wheel

23-April-2018 Monday
Labrador was rolling from the mountains.

17-April-2018 Tuesday
Faith and the horse are strong

11-April-2018 Wednesday
The only happy person in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior during the festive Easter service

08-April-2018 Sunday

30-March-2018 Friday
The world is small

28-March-2018 Wednesday
What can the action of the chain of stores bring to?

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