worst comments
Poland pshestrong
Lugansk collected 100 thousand signatures for joining Russia
Do you know which country is the best in the world?
Vkontakte does not work for everyone - your Internet is in order
Maddison screamer.
For many, vital...
Charlize Theron is a good guy.
Peekaboo, save me!
"Criminal" news
Are you a true seeder?
About serials.
To the pika girls :3
About serials.
Rock is in our hearts.
TOP of the most famous songs.
Homeless people, arm wrestling, $100 and an unexpected ending.
my cat
When I was 9 years old
Normal house :)
higher mathematics
Thanks to the fall of VK!
Thanks to the fall of VK!
Thanks to the fall of VK!
The level of weirdness in this photo is off the charts!
Thanks to the fall of VK!
Peekaboo help!!!
my 18th birthday
"I just got trolled by my Iron Man flash drive"
Attempt # 2
Attempt # 2
How to get rid of the military commissar
Plans for the future
All right SEL
On the topic of recent events about the re-release of the third "Heroes"
Continuing the topic of TP...
A video about the films of 2013, on which I spent a month of my life.
Thanks to the fall of VK!
Thanks to the fall of VK!
How the Maydanuts bomb
I do not know what is this! I don't even want to guess! I'll just leave it here!
Are you stuck?
The magic power of art
Baelish, such a Baelish)
A unique photograph of the Life Guards of the Kexholm Emperor of the Austrian Regiment, founded in 1710 by Peter I
reduced the chances of winning.