11-December-2024 Wednesday
New Year's miracle
06-December-2024 Friday
Reply Hrenoten666 in "There is still trash on the Russian land"
28-November-2024 Thursday
I bow with pleasure before the Invincible Queen #Rotaru, but with Pugacheva I was caught in the net of disappointment...
26-November-2024 Tuesday
In Norilsk, pork was excluded from the school menu under the pretext of “respect for the religious dietary needs of students”
22-November-2024 Friday
Bark at your dog
15-November-2024 Friday
Cat stolen by teenagers found
15-November-2024 Friday
Let's solve a simple problem from the Unified State Exam
11-November-2024 Monday
Reply to post "Dough can "come together""
06-November-2024 Wednesday
Reply to the post "Shoemaker"
06-November-2024 Wednesday
28-October-2024 Monday
Drunken Cherry
22-October-2024 Tuesday
Continuation of the post "I turned -50kg today"
13-October-2024 Sunday
A simple device for draining liquid
05-October-2024 Saturday
How I was left without 17,000 oranges
16-September-2024 Monday
What is a collector?
15-August-2024 Thursday
About the thickness of pouring the self-leveling floor
30-July-2024 Tuesday
When your landlord comes to visit you and you're not allowed to have pets.
12-July-2024 Friday
Brown asshole Hyundai. I was lucky that I managed to get there quickly)))
28-June-2024 Friday
Play the song of the Leningrad group "Dorozhnaya"
31-May-2024 Friday
Mobile guard