worst comments
Mini photo report about the house bitch Kick-Ass.
For the same money, only better: choose a vacation ticket!
A mistake came out, or do not underestimate TNT))
Genocide of the Soviet people
Paternal greed.
“How did your traitors react when you found out about the betrayals?”
There were times...
Excuse me, can you tell me where the carrot is?
Quotes from Police Major Rogov
Key for 5
Key for 5
Paternal greed.
How separate waste collection works in Kopeysk.
Variometer Flymaster - recovery of a sea drowned man
Paternal greed.
Zombies in the house
The most laconic and cultural warning
How we went for apples
Water cutting Sneaker.
mushroom calendar
New Peekaboo for those with 49.5 (thousands)
Excuse me, can you tell me where the carrot is?
Things not to do abroad
Where do the "souvenirs" in the temples come from?
Hiking is fun
How not to repair
Common sense.
Direct line with Gennady Padalka
Setting up in Istanbul
Photo of my workplace...
Crimean Dissonance 2
Profession costs.
Happy Airborne Forces!
Mayon volcano erupted in the Philippines on Tuesday, January 23
Happy Milkman.
Happy Milkman.
Happy Milkman.
Somehow 439...
About home (domestic) air conditioners.
Attack on Vasily Utkin: a journalist was doused with an unknown liquid ... They say urine
Good girl Ira
Jokes at work.
Doorway in the light in a new building
I would like to thank those who
Air thriller ordinary.
Auto service, history.
Auto service, history.
And again they do not miss an ambulance ...
Girls: where can I find a man
Girls: where can I find a man
Army stories.
Army stories.
Paternal greed.
Ode to the winter cyclist
A video has appeared on the Web of how the “daughter of an FSB colonel” rams a police car
On September 18, the mayor of Amsterdam, Eberhard van der Laan, resigned due to illness.
And he said that we’ll go empty or a minibus to Dubai
Oh, it's free here
No money, but you hold on
"Better stay safe" and a tinfoil hat. 03.10.2022
Reply to the post "On the wave of updates"
Response to the post "Audience applauds, applauds, stop applauding"
What to give for the day of the reclamator, International Secretary's Day and other "difficult" professional holidays
New Peekaboo for those with 49.5 (thousands)
On / off
Don't ..sh, won't you live? )) But everything is according to GOST!
French catchphrases 2
About hunting in Norway. Promised post.
Bench painted in Tver
Bench painted in Tver