Lunatik13 comments, page 79

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17-June-2016 Friday
Incredible rescue of a burning bus on the Astana-Koshy highway

31-May-2016 Tuesday
Affectionate raccoon

26-May-2016 Thursday
Crazy hands)

25-May-2016 Wednesday
The guys at Walmart secretly built a toilet paper fort.

22-May-2016 Sunday
This "zh-zh-zh" - for good reason!

22-May-2016 Sunday
From anti-tank systems to people

21-May-2016 Saturday
The driver was chasing a cyclist along Dvortsovaya until he hit him.

20-May-2016 Friday
We make a mandarin brooch out of epoxy resin.

20-May-2016 Friday
.... They climbed out!

19-May-2016 Thursday
Lifehack when buying a second-hand SLR camera

17-May-2016 Tuesday
A businessman from the United States decided to send a Boeing into a skyscraper to recreate the 9/11 attacks

13-May-2016 Friday
Happy Friday the 13th!) Extraordinary fun with the Parallel Pen.

13-May-2016 Friday
Well done :)

11-May-2016 Wednesday
Russian distraction troops))

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