14-April-2019 Sunday
“All this infuriates”: Nazarbayev University student declares war on patriarchy in Kazakhstan
23-March-2019 Saturday
How much will the new name of the capital of Kazakhstan cost?
18-March-2019 Monday
Trust but verify
05-March-2019 Tuesday
Feminishizoids are already in Kazakhstan
28-February-2019 Thursday
Pantheon for nine people proposed to be built in Kostanay region
26-February-2019 Tuesday
"Seller" from God
22-February-2019 Friday
Political scientist: NKR, EKR and WKO will be renamed until 2025
18-February-2019 Monday
"We're countrymen!"
09-February-2019 Saturday
Pay off mortgages for the birth of children proposed in Kazakhstan
24-January-2019 Thursday
We sneezed on these problems!
17-January-2019 Thursday
Tax for foreigners who marry Kazakh women is proposed to be introduced by social activists
05-January-2019 Saturday
The word is not a sparrow!)
19-December-2018 Wednesday
How to stay without money on New Year's Eve
17-November-2018 Saturday
Advertisers are trying
11-November-2018 Sunday
59 tenge
06-November-2018 Tuesday
Pikabushnik and not only
02-November-2018 Friday
Southerners, I appeal to you!
29-October-2018 Monday
Dedicated to the landlady
05-October-2018 Friday
02-October-2018 Tuesday
teacher's day is coming
26-September-2018 Wednesday
Dawn today...
09-September-2018 Sunday
What interferes with heavenly life in Kazakhstan
18-August-2018 Saturday
We have the edge, and you?
17-August-2018 Friday
Question to Wiccan
08-April-2018 Sunday
Happy Easter, friends!