best comments
The procession of those going to hell ... is declared open
serves you right
They are their own evil Pinocchios
They are their own evil Pinocchios
The Offbling
Lady Melamori
Lady Melamori
An apple?
Welcome returns
We do not * uy
Engineering Story #2 How I Might Die
Reply to the post "The procession of those going to hell ... is declared open"
Welcome returns
Welcome returns
Blue always phase
How do I get everyone
Lady Melamori
How many more people must die?
Equality? Are there equal rights?
Some original content
My fight or zheppa don't strike
It's your problems
How an employee of the Administration of the Governor of the Novosibirsk Region and her children bully a disabled person
Reply to the post “This is tough, comrades”