LonliLokli posts

05-December-2015 Saturday
A video dedicated to Russia's operation against the ISIS terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation.

06-December-2014 Saturday
New trailer for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

14-November-2014 Friday
A little bit of my Friday

17-October-2014 Friday
My first "Friday mine"

15-September-2014 Monday
Walking In The Air

07-February-2014 Friday

06-February-2014 Thursday
My first Mokume Gane experience

15-October-2013 Tuesday
A long post about making jewelry.

09-October-2013 Wednesday
Witcher Geralt's Medallion

20-August-2013 Tuesday
Soon I will have my witcher medallion.

23-June-2013 Sunday
New Star Citizen trailer

15-June-2013 Saturday
Robots at ICRA 2013

12-June-2013 Wednesday
Corruption in Barnaul

25-April-2013 Thursday
Replica Carrera y Carrera bracelet

13-April-2013 Saturday
A bracelet

10-February-2013 Sunday
Here is a ring I made recently.

31-October-2012 Wednesday
Inquisitorial Insignia (Warhammer 40k)
