Lonelynomad comments, page 4

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29-September-2014 Monday
Lack of fantasy

18-September-2014 Thursday

18-September-2014 Thursday
How does an American screw in a light bulb?

12-September-2014 Friday
Terrible but once in demand professions

09-September-2014 Tuesday
learning tricks)

19-August-2014 Tuesday

10-July-2014 Thursday
When a Russian marries a Japanese woman, it's overkill!

08-June-2014 Sunday
oldfags and lovers of rock metal music

08-June-2014 Sunday
Store owners at work

06-June-2014 Friday
Don't trust this guy

24-May-2014 Saturday
What was played with friends for a couple at the beginning of the 2nd millennium

08-May-2014 Thursday
Quest for Peekaboo.

26-April-2014 Saturday

17-April-2014 Thursday
Remember this when you feel sad

16-April-2014 Wednesday
Bad train selfie

08-April-2014 Tuesday
To the blackboard!

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