Logix comments

10-September-2021 Friday
Cat in a box

14-December-2018 Friday
Helicopter CH-47 Chinook.

26-September-2018 Wednesday
How the government of St. Petersburg distributes grants to young scientists

18-January-2017 Wednesday
About the Prize "For Loyalty to Science"

25-December-2016 Sunday
Vocal performance in a subway car

29-October-2016 Saturday
(long post) The process of creating a ring in wax.

26-October-2016 Wednesday
Sign on the ground

30-January-2016 Saturday
If you are suddenly asked what provincial towns in Siberia look like...

06-December-2015 Sunday
Bucket (dump) for snow on the car

24-September-2015 Thursday
Physics and collider in this country.

24-July-2015 Friday
The dude is on fire :)

24-January-2015 Saturday
Flight to Podkamennaya Tunguska

17-January-2015 Saturday
Memories of my grandmother, part IV, the first 3 parts at the link in the comments.

08-January-2015 Thursday
In the library of Tomsk State University, 1956
