worst comments
On the topic of shooting dogs
On the topic of shooting dogs
French journalists visit the city featured in Leviathan
Labor dynasties of Russia
Military column in Nikolaev.
Let's wait... 03.03.2023
On the topic of shooting dogs
On the topic of shooting dogs
Tinkov and honesty. Think about the fine paid 450 million dollars, and so of course honest
Robot vs Human
On the topic of shooting dogs
I just cry in every sense from what I read
Areas of darkness / Limitless Series.
Apparently I don't understand art.
Goats on a horse
The correct posture of a blogger in tragedies.
Links to Microsoft updates (MS17-010) from vulnerabilities exploited by Wana Decrypt0r
In Moscow, thousands of Orthodox have gathered near the Holy Lake, where they plan to build a huge mosque
This is how my girlfriend falls asleep every night when I sing guitar to her on Skype. We live in different cities...
information war
Another secret of the universe is open
French bus drivers dressed in skirts
Military column in Nikolaev.
Deceptive advertising, or get it right yourself
Stuck in the lift cabin.
Stuck in the lift cabin.
peekaboo developers
Military column in Nikolaev.
Military column in Nikolaev.
The cry of the soul of a virologist
Seizure of the Council of Ministers of Crimea in the early morning of February 27
Pickup developers.
Just a long post about barbecue
information war
I give an idea for a photo post
Another cancer patient commits suicide
One half is mine and the other half is ours
Ukrainian Manifesto.
GPT-4 passed the captcha by hiring a freelancer for this