worst comments
do a flip fgg*t
Phillip Kirkorov "Trolling"
Boy, don't jump!
Happy Friday !!!
Nuclear icebreaker "Russia"
One intimate story that happened to me relatively recently.
Depardieu wants to sell all his property in France and go to live in Belarus
Professor X and Magneto have a good time together :)
The best way to shoot down a helicopter
Super video about natural stone.
sleeve ready)
Peekaboos ask for help
Actors VS Time
It was the 90s, perfumers earned as much as they could.
Flappy Pikabu [Game]
Fallout 4
Didn't know that cats love chips SO much, more in the comments
True love of such different people
Another corvette of a new series was laid down at the Severnaya Verf plant
Happy Air Defense Ground Forces Day!
I'm so bored XD
Feel the difference