Levendor comments, page 254

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14-December-2024 Saturday
My new "pokemon"

14-December-2024 Saturday
Belarusians are with you!!! (on the wave of posts)

13-December-2024 Friday
Geralt is just looking for new opponents for gwent

13-December-2024 Friday
League of Submissive Gentlemen 127

12-December-2024 Thursday
Are humanitarians taking part in the wave?

09-December-2024 Monday
Russian Terminator vs FPV

08-December-2024 Sunday
Or maybe even a cringe-hundredth anniversary

08-December-2024 Sunday
At 59, everything is just beginning

07-December-2024 Saturday
Correct poster

07-December-2024 Saturday
Continuation of the post "Continuation of the post "Mobilization""

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