Lettchen comments, page 2

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23-May-2024 Thursday
Features of a Malaysian hospital or why, despite insurance, it is better to have some money for medical expenses

20-May-2024 Monday
The ordeal of the Thai embassy and a walk in the local park

14-May-2024 Tuesday
Girly: features of Malaysian fashion

12-May-2024 Sunday
Along the highway in search of civilization or Malay-Russian dictionary

07-May-2024 Tuesday
A city in the jungle or where a washing machine should be located according to Feng Shui

30-April-2024 Tuesday
About the smuggling of rabies vaccine across the border and Indian airports

28-April-2024 Sunday
Only boys do manicures and why you shouldn’t go wild before going to the cinema

27-April-2024 Saturday
Another rare book from my collection

26-April-2024 Friday
How to distinguish pineapples by gender or where to go to Goa to remember

24-April-2024 Wednesday
Why does a doctor need an altar or how to get vaccinated against rabies in Goa

22-April-2024 Monday
Of course, it’s good not to lose your panties in an unfamiliar company, but it’s not worth fighting with an Indian monkey for this.

17-April-2024 Wednesday
Looking for R.L. Stine's "Fear Street" series

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