Leninmertv comments

[40] [2] [1]

15-February-2016 Monday
Advice to a friend before the exam in the traffic police

14-February-2016 Sunday
Wagon - morgue

11-February-2016 Thursday
Which Porsche is more comfortable to have sex in?

10-February-2016 Wednesday
Car washers stole and smashed the car (video link in the comments)

07-February-2016 Sunday
Snow White is no more.

07-February-2016 Sunday

06-February-2016 Saturday
Guide for those who want to understand architecture

05-February-2016 Friday
Five forbidden places on planet earth

04-February-2016 Thursday
About dolphins

04-February-2016 Thursday
Are they really refugees?

02-February-2016 Tuesday
Some interesting ideas that can make our lives easier

01-February-2016 Monday
Groundhog Day

01-February-2016 Monday
USA 1940s in color.

13-January-2016 Wednesday
Omsk Cosmotrolleybus Enterprise

27-December-2015 Sunday
A very good and funny person. The character is sociable. Not married.

24-December-2015 Thursday
Italians try Russian food

24-December-2015 Thursday
Lately I feel like a prince of Kyiv.

24-December-2015 Thursday
Courtesy or upbringing?

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