worst comments
Programming Basics: Lecture #0. Introduction, I [CS50-2015, Harvard]
A student of the great Chuck Norris!
The taste of disappointed hopes.
Night tour of Nice after the terrorist attack
Programming Basics: Lecture #0. Introduction, I [CS50-2015, Harvard]
Futurama is respected in our family
How they ran away from me on a date
It eats into the brain
At the age of 24, the Lyapis Trubetskoy group ceased to exist for me.
Another piggy bank
I wouldn't want to meet him on the plane.
A student of the great Chuck Norris!
Wait I changed my mind
About my work (3)
Compilation of original recordings by Valery Legasov.
Oh this fashion
Great performance by Pablo Lopez at the Mexican Talent Show
Drank a beer!
Rare historical photographs that you may never have seen.
Bought a device...
Real gamer set
And suddenly..:D
I'm not really trans...
Another impunity of the major!
About my work (3)
Statement of the Ministry of Defense on the crash of the Il-20 in Syria
You are in Israel if...
Easy repair of thermoplastic elastomer product
Rrr guys, I'm really not postal, I'm not in currrrs ...
Young woman
an ordinary person from Donetsk
The situation in Syria
You are gorgeous!