LenchenShikhowa comments, page 2
26-April-2021 Monday
Can there be a dog instead of a child or a loved one?...
03-March-2021 Wednesday
You picked up the cat. How to return it to its owners with a 99% guarantee: instructions
28-February-2021 Sunday
Hasso and toys. How a dog that didn’t play at anything turned into a maniac and how we defeated aggression towards small dogs
25-February-2021 Thursday
A story almost like a horror movie that happened almost on Halloween
22-February-2021 Monday
I'm not a real dog person. Or maybe not a dog person at all. My 15 signs
17-February-2021 Wednesday
Hasso and the cats again. Three more cool cases
13-February-2021 Saturday
Health and treatment Hasso. What we had to face
10-February-2021 Wednesday
Bertha - a kitten thrown out of a window
27-January-2021 Wednesday
Ricky's friends: Tibet and Julien. The fate of four dogs. Part 2
23-January-2021 Saturday
Bobik-Robik: my forever lost puppy from the trash heap