Leene comments, page 61

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05-September-2018 Wednesday
They are teachers)

04-September-2018 Tuesday
I'm the mother on the turn.

01-September-2018 Saturday
Mama Madness.

30-August-2018 Thursday
In Akhtubinsk (Astrakhan region), three boys raped a 6-year-old girl

23-August-2018 Thursday
Sell ??an apartment with maternity capital

21-August-2018 Tuesday
Sitting with grandchildren

16-August-2018 Thursday
World of the wild west.

16-August-2018 Thursday
In Perm, a taxi driver raped a girl

15-August-2018 Wednesday
Sunset today

15-August-2018 Wednesday
Fraud from the dentist: no teeth and no money.

15-August-2018 Wednesday
Mom's tastes better!

15-August-2018 Wednesday
Darwin Award: dotting the i's.

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