Layer comments, page 2

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30-October-2018 Tuesday
Father of four children told his wife that giving birth is easy

30-October-2018 Tuesday
The game starts

30-October-2018 Tuesday
Nothing like that option, you have to take it!

30-October-2018 Tuesday
The Artist Who Knew Zen

30-October-2018 Tuesday
What are you?

25-October-2018 Thursday

24-October-2018 Wednesday
Just get it out

22-October-2018 Monday
A little about my experience with the diet

21-October-2018 Sunday
The Oregon Zoo decided to show what the animals look like from the inside by publishing x-rays of animals.

21-October-2018 Sunday
Anime Art №1495

20-October-2018 Saturday
A strange creature thrown ashore by the villagers was taken for a harbinger of the end of the world

20-October-2018 Saturday
Excellent protection against chips and scratches. Instead of a thousand polishes...

20-October-2018 Saturday
I want Larisa Ivanovna!

20-October-2018 Saturday
24-year-old woman felt drunk for two years due to a cerebellar compression

20-October-2018 Saturday
"Air at the gas station" or how they threw me at Gazpromneft

20-October-2018 Saturday
The level of Russian science

20-October-2018 Saturday

07-September-2018 Friday
When they started putting mayonnaise in doshirak

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