Larsik comments, page 5

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06-March-2015 Friday
A dream come true!

05-March-2015 Thursday
The Russian team became the winner of the International Mathematics Olympiad

02-March-2015 Monday
"Russian America"

02-March-2015 Monday
BSOD on the terminal for ordering at McDonald's

02-March-2015 Monday
- Darling, I drink with the boys:

26-February-2015 Thursday

14-February-2015 Saturday
Alternative for Valentine's Day

11-February-2015 Wednesday
The secret of magic revealed

10-February-2015 Tuesday

09-February-2015 Monday
Fantasy lvl 100

05-February-2015 Thursday

14-January-2015 Wednesday
10 household trifles in New Zealand

26-December-2014 Friday
Ice and flames

19-December-2014 Friday
1st post.

25-October-2014 Saturday
Tactical reception of the American ranger

22-October-2014 Wednesday
Prison tattoos. Part 2.

19-October-2014 Sunday
The rescued Barsik got a job.

19-October-2014 Sunday
I don't go to discos with my friend...

17-October-2014 Friday

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