worst comments
The government eats its citizens
Pension reform and health care reform are two facets of the state's rejection of social guarantees
Putin's real rating is negative (no joke)
Pension reform and health care reform are two facets of the state's rejection of social guarantees
Videobook: Treason under the red mask. S.E. Kurginyan. Part 2.
Leading "Russia-24": it is necessary to fight not with NATO, but with Putin and the entire Russian state
Tale of a socialist by nature Konstantin Semin
Youtube removed Kurginyan's film about the 5th department of the KGB and "quilted jackets"
Youtube removed Kurginyan's film about the 5th department of the KGB and "quilted jackets"
Lies and forgeries: how bloggers promote the law on domestic violence
The People and the Commune: A Christmas Carol for the Leftists
The People and the Commune: A Christmas Carol for the Leftists
Putin has lost the confidence of the majority of Russian citizens
Youtube removed Kurginyan's film about the 5th department of the KGB and "quilted jackets"
Videobook: Treason under the red mask. S.E. Kurginyan. Part 2.
Leading "Russia-24": it is necessary to fight not with NATO, but with Putin and the entire Russian state
Tale of a socialist by nature Konstantin Semin
Leading "Russia-24": it is necessary to fight not with NATO, but with Putin and the entire Russian state
Leading "Russia-24": it is necessary to fight not with NATO, but with Putin and the entire Russian state
The first part of the cycle "Children of Perestroika"
The People and the Commune: A Christmas Carol for the Leftists
Eneolithic burial ground excavations completed in Samara Region
The level of domestic violence in the Russian Federation is declining - a member of the Public Chamber
Russian scientists: we hope that the Periodic table will be named after Mendeleev
Pension reform must be abolished! — street protests in dozens of Russian cities
Lies and forgeries: how bloggers promote the law on domestic violence
In the fall, feminists will submit to the State Duma a law sharply restricting the rights of men
Gender is coming to you. Don't say later that you weren't warned
The administration framed Putin by replying to the appeal of a million citizens. Stupidity or betrayal?
Videobook: Treason under the red mask. S.E. Kurginyan. Part 2.
The administration framed Putin by replying to the appeal of a million citizens. Stupidity or betrayal?
Finance Minister: Rich people are not stupid
The People and the Commune: A Christmas Carol for the Leftists
Commune, theater and ascension
The government eats its citizens
The government eats its citizens
The government eats its citizens
The government eats its citizens
Left Maidan in Russia
Soon "all roads will lead to Russia" - the magnetic pole is shifting here
Necropolis of the 26th-25th centuries BC discovered in Istra near Moscow
Lefties - a game on the other side of Russia's defeat
Lefties - a game on the other side of Russia's defeat
Lefties - a game on the other side of Russia's defeat
Lefties - a game on the other side of Russia's defeat
Lefties - a game on the other side of Russia's defeat
Lefties - a game on the other side of Russia's defeat
A person has the main right - the right to climb!
A person has the main right - the right to climb!
In the fall, feminists will submit to the State Duma a law sharply restricting the rights of men
Lies and forgeries: how bloggers promote the law on domestic violence
Timati and GUF slammed Sobyanin's burger for a million dislikes
Timati and GUF slammed Sobyanin's burger for a million dislikes
Pension reform must be abolished! — street protests in dozens of Russian cities
Leading "Russia-24": it is necessary to fight not with NATO, but with Putin and the entire Russian state
"A believing atheist and an unprincipled Leninist." Tragicomedy
Russian scientists: we hope that the Periodic table will be named after Mendeleev
Videobook: Treason under the red mask. S.E. Kurginyan. Part 2.
In Rostov-on-Don, a million people took to the square...
Leftists and pagans are preparing the defeat of Russia. Russia is ready to fight back
Trump on US Right to World Domination