L11R comments

[8] [2] [1]

03-April-2013 Wednesday
And I remembered D:

01-April-2013 Monday
Instructions on how to make an apparatus for making cotton candy from an old hard drive

31-March-2013 Sunday
Ahah :D

31-March-2013 Sunday
And so every time with my cat

31-March-2013 Sunday
Do you too? :D

27-March-2013 Wednesday
In fact, this is a harsh screaming woman with boobs....

24-March-2013 Sunday
Music for mom

24-March-2013 Sunday
Not a photo, but I tried to draw realistically.

24-March-2013 Sunday

23-March-2013 Saturday
This is the kind of chocolate brought by relatives from the Czech Republic

22-March-2013 Friday
The shocking discovery of linguists

21-March-2013 Thursday
Handles on the doors of personal toilet cubicles, and the sink is outside the cubicle.

16-March-2013 Saturday
Cats are very curious animals.

24-February-2013 Sunday

24-February-2013 Sunday

22-February-2013 Friday
Interesting :)

11-February-2013 Monday
A little happiness

05-February-2013 Tuesday
And again comments on Peekaboo!

08-December-2012 Saturday
After all, there should be a limit to humor...

22-July-2012 Sunday
Russian Post moved to Poland?

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