L0g0s posts

21-February-2024 Wednesday
Everything is fine

17-February-2024 Saturday
Reply to the post “One of our own in Korea”

14-February-2024 Wednesday
Tired of playing music after the video

14-February-2024 Wednesday
I'm closing the thread about tips

27-October-2023 Friday
I worked 10 hours!!!

23-April-2023 Sunday
Ugh! Are you qualified there?

19-December-2022 Monday
Two friends met at the station

11-December-2022 Sunday
A question of names

01-July-2022 Friday
On the wave of posts about medicine

06-June-2022 Monday
YaTebeGovoryu's answer to "Oh, those kids"

16-May-2022 Monday
The most unusual ice cream

27-April-2022 Wednesday
Response to the post "Adopt those who have hemorrhoids"

24-March-2022 Thursday
I will help you get into the army

21-March-2022 Monday
Danila Bogrov in Spider-Man

14-February-2022 Monday
Naked on the island

26-November-2021 Friday

05-October-2019 Saturday
Free fall

16-September-2019 Monday
About the classics

15-September-2019 Sunday
When there's nothing to smoke

08-September-2019 Sunday
Surname in the hospital
