07-February-2018 Wednesday
The guy sang unrealistically cool !!! (just listen)

15-November-2017 Wednesday
What the hell is this house up to?!

07-November-2017 Tuesday
From the world of cinema

29-October-2017 Sunday
In defense of the classical argument

28-October-2017 Saturday
On the need for large monitors

27-October-2017 Friday
About the amazing and incomprehensible

27-October-2017 Friday
Dedicated to lovers of life hacks

27-October-2017 Friday
About getting rid of hiccups

26-October-2017 Thursday
Difficulties with determining age

25-October-2017 Wednesday
Severe Russian childhood

25-October-2017 Wednesday
About deputies

24-October-2017 Tuesday

24-October-2017 Tuesday
About love

21-October-2017 Saturday
This type of people

21-October-2017 Saturday
Philosophical stupor
