Ksenoanec comments

[36] [2] [1]

11-July-2017 Tuesday
New location for "Stalker"? No, this is our new equipment.

09-July-2017 Sunday
For the phrase "Do not try to leave Omsk" fined up to 5 million

07-July-2017 Friday
These companies test their products on animals.

06-July-2017 Thursday
Where do they come from?

29-June-2017 Thursday
Crazy neighbor or puppy pissed on the floor

27-June-2017 Tuesday
Notes for students

17-June-2017 Saturday
Q&A: Why does John Wick turn his weapon to the left?

08-June-2017 Thursday

25-May-2017 Thursday
The acne theory or why I don't like the Stop Ham project.

07-May-2017 Sunday
The problem of Russian cinema

03-May-2017 Wednesday
Hello, Dmitry Anatolyevich!

27-April-2017 Thursday
Yakut phenomenon. A girl who is not loved by all of Yakutia. Angelica Protodiakonova.

11-March-2017 Saturday
Anonymous from 4chan disrupted Shia LaBeouf's action

23-January-2017 Monday
Neighbor asked to remove the gas stove from the site

18-November-2016 Friday
Jackie Chan and cinematographer

20-September-2016 Tuesday
"Found a way out"

03-November-2015 Tuesday
StopHam, a question about stickers, do they have the right?

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